Monday, November 10, 2014

Mengetahui Info Image Dari Visual Basic 6.0

Program ini berfungsi untuk mengetahui kapasitas, dan ukuran dari sebuah gambar, sebenarnya ini bias dilihat saja dari properties file gambar tersebut, namun tak ada salahnya kita mengaplikasikannya ke dalam pemrograman visual basic ini. Masukkan sebuah command button dan common dialog ke dalam form, ubah caption command nya menjadi  “Search Image”, lalu masuk pada jendela coding dan buat coding berikut :

Option Explicit
Private sTypes(4) As String

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim ii As New Class1
Dim msg As String
ii.ReadImageInfo (CommonDialog1.FileName)
msg = msg & "FileName: " & CommonDialog1.FileName & vbCrLf
If ii.ImageType Then
msg = msg & "Width: " & ii.Width & vbCrLf
msg = msg & "Height: " & ii.Height & vbCrLf
msg = msg & "Bits per pixel: " & ii.Depth & vbCrLf
msg = msg & "Type: " & sTypes(ii.ImageType)
msg = msg & "Unknown image type"
End If
MsgBox msg, vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, "Image Information"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
sTypes(1) = "GIF"
sTypes(2) = "JPEG"
sTypes(3) = "PNG"
sTypes(4) = "BMP"
End Sub

Selanjutnya tambahkan sebuah class module ke dalam form dengan cara click menu  project > add class module dan masukkan listing berikut :

Option Explicit
Private Const BUFFERSIZE As Long = 65535
Public Enum eImageType
itGIF = 1
itJPEG = 2
itPNG = 3
itBMP = 4
End Enum
Private m_Width As Long
Private m_Height As Long
Private m_Depth As Byte
Private m_ImageType As eImageType

Public Property Get Width() As Long
Width = m_Width
End Property

Public Property Get Height() As Long
Height = m_Height
End Property

Public Property Get Depth() As Byte
Depth = m_Depth
End Property

Public Property Get ImageType() As eImageType
ImageType = m_ImageType
End Property

Public Sub ReadImageInfo(sFileName As String)
Dim bBuf(BUFFERSIZE) As Byte
Dim iFN As Integer
m_Width = 0
m_Height = 0
m_Depth = 0
m_ImageType = itUNKNOWN
iFN = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Binary As iFN
Get #iFN, 1, bBuf()
Close iFN
If bBuf(0) = 137 And bBuf(1) = 80 And bBuf(2) = 78 Then
m_ImageType = itPNG
Select Case bBuf(25)
Case 0
m_Depth = bBuf(24)
Case 2
m_Depth = bBuf(24) * 3
Case 3
m_Depth = 8
Case 4
m_Depth = bBuf(24) * 2
Case 6
m_Depth = bBuf(24) * 4
Case Else
m_ImageType = itUNKNOWN
End Select
If m_ImageType Then
m_Width = Mult(bBuf(19), bBuf(18))
m_Height = Mult(bBuf(23), bBuf(22))
End If
End If
If bBuf(0) = 71 And bBuf(1) = 73 And bBuf(2) = 70 Then
m_ImageType = itGIF
m_Width = Mult(bBuf(6), bBuf(7))
m_Height = Mult(bBuf(8), bBuf(9))
m_Depth = (bBuf(10) And 7) + 1
End If
If bBuf(0) = 66 And bBuf(1) = 77 Then
m_ImageType = itBMP
m_Width = Mult(bBuf(18), bBuf(19))
m_Height = Mult(bBuf(22), bBuf(23))
m_Depth = bBuf(28)
End If

If m_ImageType = itUNKNOWN Then
Dim lPos As Long
If (bBuf(lPos) = &HFF And bBuf(lPos + 1) = &HD8 And bBuf(lPos + 2) = &HFF) _
Or (lPos >= BUFFERSIZE - 10) Then Exit Do
lPos = lPos + 1
lPos = lPos + 2
If lPos >= BUFFERSIZE - 10 Then Exit Sub
If bBuf(lPos) = &HFF And bBuf(lPos + 1) <> &HFF Then Exit Do
lPos = lPos + 1
If lPos >= BUFFERSIZE - 10 Then Exit Sub
lPos = lPos + 1
Select Case bBuf(lPos)
Case &HC0 To &HC3, &HC5 To &HC7, &HC9 To &HCB, &HCD To &HCF
Exit Do
End Select
lPos = lPos + Mult(bBuf(lPos + 2), bBuf(lPos + 1))
If lPos >= BUFFERSIZE - 10 Then Exit Sub
m_ImageType = itJPEG
m_Height = Mult(bBuf(lPos + 5), bBuf(lPos + 4))
m_Width = Mult(bBuf(lPos + 7), bBuf(lPos + 6))
m_Depth = bBuf(lPos + 8) * 8
End If
End Sub
Private Function Mult(lsb As Byte, msb As Byte) As Long
Mult = lsb + (msb * CLng(256))
End Function

Selanjutnya jalankan program (F5), dan tekan tombol search image dan cari image yang akan kita ketahui ukuran dan kapasitasnya.

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